This morning you are probably asking yourself why you ever thought that getting into your office NCAA Bracket was a good idea.  Upsets, buzzer beaters and Cinderella's have ruined your bracket.  You shouldn't be sad though, because according to Jeff Bergen, you never stood a chance.

Jeff is a professor at DePaul, and he basically says that you will never choose a perfect bracket, but the good news is that nobody else will either.  He uses this new thing called "math" to figure out the odds of a perfect bracket actually happening.

There are 63 games played in the tournament and because each game has two possible results, the easiest equation to break the problem down into is 2 to the 63rd power, or '2 x 2′ done 63 times. This comes out to higher than nine quintillion, the official number being 9,223,372,036,854,775,808.

Raise your hand if you didn't even know that Quintillion was even a real number . . . me neither.


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