Eliza O'Neill is a 4 year old girl who up until last year, was living the life that every young girl should.  Now Eliza's parents are in a race against time to save her life after she was diagnosed with Sanfilippo Syndrome.

I received an email from Eliza's dad Glenn, earlier this week about Eliza.  The opening line hit me right between the eyes, considering I have a daughter who just turned 5.  Glen wrote:

I'm just a dad trying to save my 4-year-old daughter

I can't even imagine what life would be like as a parent struggling to save your childs life.  I read Glen's email to me about 5 times before looking into my own daughters face and realizing that we should all do what we can to help.

The disease that Eliza suffers from will most likely leave her with irreversible brain damage by the age of 6, but there is hope.  There is actually a medical trial going on this year that could stop the disease in its tracks.  Glenn and his wife have set up a fund raising site to help raise enough money for Eliza to be a part of this trial.

We all know that money is tough for everyone right now, but I'm asking anyone to donate whatever they can.  I personally am donating, and it's not much, but I hope that many others will continue to follow suit.

I want to say good luck to Eliza and her family.  From one dad to another, I'm pulling for you Glen.

You can follow the progress on Twitter and Facebook.


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