AMC Theatres Announce Social Distancing Policies For Coronavirus
The movie theater industry is trying to adjust to the new reality of the coronavirus pandemic, and the fact that many localities are legally limiting the number of people can gather at any time in an effort to promote social distancing and limit the spread of the virus. Some theaters are closing altogether, some are remaining open with new rules.
Today, AMC Theatres — the biggest chain of theaters in the United States — released a statement that announced a plan to limit attendance while remaining open. “We are very closely monitoring the guidance of the CDC,” CEO Adam Aram wrote. “We are complying with all directives from federal, state and local health and government authorities, and with our unilateral move to reduce capacity and increase social distancing we are going beyond what governments are requiring of us.”
The main change will be reducing the number of people that attend any movie at any given time:
Beginning tomorrow Saturday, March 14 and continuing until April 30, 2020, AMC will cut in half the seating capacity of every one of its theatre’s auditoriums. It will do so by capping ticket sales for each showtime in each of its theatre’s auditoriums to an amount equal to 50% of the normal seating capacity. In those auditoriums with more than 500 seats, AMC will further cap ticket sales to a maximum of 250 in any case. AMC is also actively complying with all local authorities’ directives on social gathering and is further reducing the availability of tickets to comply with any current or future federal, state or local governmental order.
AMC will also increase cleaning in “hightough point areas, including kiosks, counter tops, restroom areas, glass, handrails and doorknobs.” They will also clean theaters between every showtime. I sincerely hope from the bottom of my heart they were doing that last one already.
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