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XXL Staff
The 13 Best New Hip-Hop Songs This Week
The week's playlist.
All the Times Lil Baby Has Been ‘HARD’
Hard in the paint.
Ken Carson Talks About Getting in Shape for Tour, What He’d Tell His Younger Self and Staying in the Studio Instead of on Social Media
Ken Carson's rise to the top of the rage rap sound is explored in this XXL magazine feature.
How Scammers Are Infesting Hip-Hop by Impersonating Rappers, Journalists and More While Lining Their Pockets
The ongoing scamming and fraud plaguing hip-hop is explored in XXL magazine through the lens of rappers who've been victims.
Rap Beef Took a Wildly Different Turn This Year Thanks to Podcasters and Streamers
XXL explores how podcasters and streamers now hold weight in how rap music and messages are disseminated.
Understanding Sexyy Red – Setting the Record Straight on Celebrity, Working With Her ‘Rich Baby Daddy’ Drake and Being Normal
As her star power shines beyond hip-hop, Sexyy Red speaks to XXL magazine about her wild rise to fame, her "rich baby daddy" Drake, judgment from others and more.
XXL Weighs In on the Freshman Cypher and Freestyle Controversy
Setting the record straight on the discussion across the internet.
BabyDrill Discusses the Rap Grind, Young Nudy’s Advice and Working With Drake
BabyDrill speaks to XXL in an exclusive interview about his rise in rap, Young Nudy's guidance and a Drake collab.
A Look at How Navigating Life on Social Media Gets Complicated in Hip-Hop
Here's a look at how navigating life online and the pressure it brings gets complicated in hip-hop.
Kid Rappers Stack Likes, Pile Retweets and Watch Their Popularity Soar Through Digital Word of Mouth
XXL explores how kid rappers are thriving thanks to the power of social media and a dose of good luck.
Jim Jones and Maino Join Forces as Lobby Boyz to Discuss New Album, Brotherhood and Rap Groups
Jim Jones and Maino as the duo Lobby Boyz speak to XXL about their brotherly bond, accomplishments together and on their own and more.
There’s No Doubt Hip-Hop Is Looking Up in 2024
Read exclusive interviews with music industry executives on how hip-hop is looking up in 2024.