Interesting: What Will $1100 in Rent Get You in Michigan?
If you're looking to rent a 3-bedroom house or apartment, RentData.com says on average in Michigan you can expect to pay just under $1100 per month - $1086 to be exact.
But what that money is going to get you varies widely depending where you are in the state.

We checked rental ads on Craigslist for several cities around Michigan, looking for 3-bedroom rentals for around $1100. In some places, that kind of money can get you a house - possibly even a considerable-sized lot. In some other areas, you'll be in an apartment or mobile home.
Here's What $1100 Rent Will Get You in Lansing
We found this 3-bedroom mobile home for rent in Lansing for $1100. It's got 2 baths, and says it's situated close to some of the Lansing area's main thoroughfares.
What Will $1100 in Rent Get You in Grand Rapids?
We couldn't find a 3-bedroom anything in Grand Rapids for $1100. The closest thing we could get for that kind of money was this 2-bedroom house for $1050.
What Can You Rent in Flint for $1100?
If you need 3 bedrooms in the Flint area, you could rent this mobile home in nearby Burton for just under $1100.
What Can You Rent for $1100 in Ann Arbor?
This small 3-bedroom home near the University of Michigan campus in Ann Arbor can be had for $1100 a month.
Can I Rent a 3-Bedroom Home in Detroit for $1100?
Couldn't find a 3-bedroom anything in the Detroit area for $1100. You can get this 2-bedroom home in the suburbs though.
Renting for About $1100 in Jackson, Michigan
For an extra $20 a month, these 3 bedroom/2 bath apartments can be had in Jackson.
What Can $1100/Month Get You in Kalamazoo?
This 3-bedroom Cape Cod in the heart of Kalamazoo goes for $1100 a month. It even has a basement!
Can You Rent a 3-Bedroom Home in Muskegon for $1100?
We weren't able to find anything for $1100 a month with 3 bedrooms in the Muskegon area, but this quaint 2-bedroom runs $1050.
What Can I Rent for $1100 a Month in Traverse City?
This off-season 2-bedroom rental was the best thing we could find for $1100 in Traverse City.
What Can I Rent for $1100 a Month in Saginaw?
For another $25 a month, you can rent one of the two apartments in this Saginaw house. Pretty good size, even though you have some shared spaces.
Can I Rent Anything With 3 Bedrooms in the Thumb Area of Michigan?
This 3-bedroom, 1-bath house in Bayport goes for $1100 a month. It even has a 2-car garage!
What Can I Rent for $1100 a Month in the Upper Peninsula?
$1100 a month goes a long way in Sault Ste. Marie. You can rent a 3-bedroom, 2-bath home with a 3-car garage and a large yard.
The Hourly Wage Needed in Every State to Be Able to Afford Rent
Gallery Credit: Kristen Matthews