It's not very often you hear of alligator sightings in Michigan lakes, but when you do, it's usually connected to irresponsible pet owners.

According to WDIV, The Huron-Clinton Metroparks organization is warning the community about a possible alligator in Kent Lake at Kensington Metropark, located in Milford Township.

We first heard of the alligator warning after it was posted on the Macomb County Police and Fire Scanner page on Facebook.

"Officials are warning people of a possible alligator sighting in Oakland County Kent Lake at Kensington Metropark."
The post also informed residents that several signs had been posted around Kent County Lake to inform visitors of the possible sighting.
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No photos were provided, and nothing was found after the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and the Detroit Zoological Society searched Kent Lake.

See Also: Did You Know There's An Alligator Sanctuary Right Here in Michigan?

If you happen to see the alligator, call the Metroparks Police right away at 810-227-8910.

This isn't the first time an alligator has been spotted in Michigan; just last year, we told you about a woman in Romulus who found an alligator on her front porch.

10 Animals You Can’t Own As Pets In Michigan

Some people really want to have an exotic pet in their home, but very rarely is it a good idea. And if you are looking to add a wild animal to your family, check out this list of animals you can not own as pets in Michigan.

Update: More Animals Added to Michigan's Year-Round Hunting List

The Michigan DNR has added the following animals to the state's year-round hunting list. Land owners may kill these animals on their property with no special permits required.

Gallery Credit: Lauren Gordon

Most Deadly/Dangerous Animals In Michigan

If you see any of these animals... best to just walk away.

Gallery Credit: Wikipedia