Bedrock Halloween Gives Kids A Chance to Safely Trick or Treat Bedrock Halloween Gives Kids A Chance to Safely Trick or Treat BEDROCK Apparel is teaming up with businesses in downtown Flint to make sure kids have a safe trick or treat option this Halloween. ClayClay
Flint Born 'GoodBoy Clothing' Featured On PBS 'Start Up'Flint Born 'GoodBoy Clothing' Featured On PBS 'Start Up'PBS Start Up rolled into Flint near the end of 2019 to feature GoodBoy Clothing entrepreneur Oaklin Mixon.ClayClay
Dinah Jane In FlintDinah Jane In FlintDinah Jane from Fifth Harmony came to Flint this week to promote her first solo project 'Bottled Up'.ClayClay
Meet Dinah Jane In FlintMeet Dinah Jane In FlintCalling all #Harmonizers and #Dinahsty fans, Dinah Jane will be in Flint to meet you on Thursday.ClayClay
BEDROCK GRAND OPENINGBEDROCK GRAND OPENINGA new clothing store named BEDROCK is set to open its doors to Flint this Thursday right at the Capital Theater.B-RayB-Ray
4 Flint Born Clothing Brands4 Flint Born Clothing BrandsIf you have ever called Flint home then you'll need to check out these four Flint born clothing brands. ClayClay