Davison Elem. One Of 12 Michigan National Blue Ribbon SchoolsDavison Elem. One Of 12 Michigan National Blue Ribbon SchoolsThe prestigious National Blue Ribbon Award was given to just 353 schools in America this year. Twelve were in Michigan, with one from Genesee County. Lisa MarieLisa Marie
3 Flint Area Students to Have Drawings Painted on A Plow3 Flint Area Students to Have Drawings Painted on A PlowThis winter, you'll see winning artwork from students in Genesee County on one snowplow.Nathan ReedNathan Reed
Davison Schools Won’t Require Masks in Classrooms This YearDavison Schools Won’t Require Masks in Classrooms This YearMasks won't be required when students in the Davison Community School District return to school in the fall. George McIntyreGeorge McIntyre