Michigan DOT Wants Toll Roads, 3 Reasons To Say Hell No, +FixesMichigan DOT Wants Toll Roads, 3 Reasons To Say Hell No, +FixesMichigan's gas tax is 6th highest in the U.S. Now, MDOT is considering toll roads for more "revenue."Nathan ReedNathan Reed
Would You Rather Have Higher Gas Tax or Toll Roads In Michigan?Would You Rather Have Higher Gas Tax or Toll Roads In Michigan?If you hate the idea of a higher gas tax, what do you think about Michigan having toll roads?ClayClay
Proposal Would Hike Gas Tax by 47 Cents Per Gallon in MichiganProposal Would Hike Gas Tax by 47 Cents Per Gallon in MichiganCorrect me if I'm wrong, but didn't we vote "no" on this a few years ago?AJAJ