Kalamazoo News

California Bans Red #3, Could Michigan & Our Skittles Next?
California Bans Red #3, Could Michigan & Our Skittles Next?
California Bans Red #3, Could Michigan & Our Skittles Next?
The flavor rainbow was the recent focus of a law that was passed in California when they decided to ban the use of the dye Red #3. California Food Safety Act actually banned the use of potassium bromate, propylparaben, potassium bromate, and red dye no. 3 which they say shows adverse health effects on those who consume them
Here Are The 10 Most Influential Women In Michigan's History
Here Are The 10 Most Influential Women In Michigan's History
Here Are The 10 Most Influential Women In Michigan's History
Naturally, the women who made this list may not line up with everybody’s political or social beliefs, but regardless, the fact that they were able to make a nice career for themselves, and encourage other women to be strong, speak out, and become leaders in their own right makes them worthy of being on this list.

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