More and more each year, TV executives quake in their stylish, yet affordable boots over the exponential increase in peak TV, even as us ravenous viewers eagerly take it all in. Fall 2015 is no exception, cramming your DVR with everything from superheroes new and old, to Scream-ing gore-fests, animated staples and so much more.
You’d need some sort of … television … guidance … periodical to navigate it all, but because we love you, we’ve compiled over 30 of Fall 2015's biggest must-see premieres. Remember to sleep, and take in the onslaught of fall 2015's TV madness by our full preview!
Last week 'South Park' took us by surprise in crafting a 'Game of Thrones' parody wrapped around the concept of "Black Friday," but not so surprising as to learn that the story will continue in a second episode! Watch what happens when Butters takes his 'Game of Thrones' grievances to George R.R. Martin himself in the first clip from "A Song of Ass and Fire!"
'South Park' doesn't lend itself to promotional campaigns that starts months before a premiere in the same manner as other shows, though we're glad to see Matt Stone and Trey Parker back in the saddle for the upcoming seventeenth season, set to premiere on September 25. To that end, Comedy Central's first teaser for the coming premiere reveals a number of potential targets for parody, so what's th
South Park has already successfully tackled a TV show, movies and next on their list is the gaming world. 'South Park: The Stick Of Truth' is a new video game that involves all things 'South Park' and based on the trailer, might be game of the year.
The majority of good TV may have been postponed for the night on account of that dastardly hurricane everyone keeps talking about, but hopefully the matter will be swept under the rug by Wednesday night for an all-new 'South Park!' Last week brilliantly channeled 'The Shining' as Stan endured "A Nightmare On Facetime," but what will the latest outing bring? How will Matt and Trey tackl
In an episode titled "Reverse Cowgirl", one of the boys had been told time and time again about leaving the toilet seat up after he goes to the bathroom, but he didn't listen. His actions have consequences and ultimately result in an unimaginable catastrophe.
Comedy Central's "South Park" returns tonight at 10.
South Park is known for making fun of Michael Jackson, Charlie Sheen and any other Celebrity they don't like. Bottom line, nothing is ever safe when it comes to South Park and the Royal Wedding is no different! Tomorrow night a new episode will air called "Royal Pudding" and I have the exclusive clip. Tomorrow's episode, the creators of South Park Trey Parker and Matt Stone give the Roya