Every year approximately one million people commit suicide. That is equal to one death every 40 seconds. 3,000 people per day. Thanks to this cop though one man is alive and safe.
10 year old Jasmine commits suicide for what seemed to be from bullying. Bullying is horrible and real and happens everyday. When we fail to notice, tragic things happen.
I personally can connect to bullying because I was bullied growing up. Fortunate for me I got into boxing and the bullying stopped. Jasmine on the other hand didn't have that outlet. She didn't see or didn't feel comfortable en
Look, we all know suicide isn’t something you should usually joke about, but Michael Abraham has made it kind of funny by posting on Mountain Dew’s Facebook page.
The scene was straight out of a horror movie last weekend: Troubled 19-year-old Kipp Rusty Walker walked on stage at an open mic night, played a weary and foretelling song called, 'Sorry For All the Mess,' and then repeatedly stabbed himself to death with a 6-inch blade.