I wrote a story almost two months ago about how the debris from the tsunami in Japan was making it's way across the Pacific Ocean, and it looks like the first pieces may have landed.
A man in British Columbia, Canada came across a huge white crate and found a Harley Davidson motorcycle inside!
Slowly but surely, a tragic event that happened half of a world away is making its way to America.
The Tsunami and earthquake that struck Japan last year left countless dead, and millions of tons of debris free floating in the Pacific Ocean.
Many of you are wondering how you can help the Japanese people, in the wake of the devastating earthquake and tsunami that has struck the island nation. Here are some organizations involved in the rescue and recovery effort that you can donate to.
An 8.9-magnitude earthquake hit northern Japan today, triggering tsunamis and sending a massive body of water filled with debris that included boats and houses toward highways. Watch live coverage here and see expected times that tsunami waves will hit Hawaii and the western United States.