Khloe Kardashian has taken the lead for the dumbest Kardashian sister after her KKK joke that she posted online.

Khloe posted a pic of herself with sisters Kim and Kourtney that read, “The only KKK to let black men in” and captioned it “True.”

I realize that joking about the KKK probably seemed like a heeeeelarious idea at the time, but doesn't she pay people to tell her before she acts on a stupid thought?

Ebony Senior Digital Editor Jamilah Lemieux, put the real truth out there with her perfect tweet response.

Jamilah went on to say,

“Date the whole NBA, who cares? But show a modicum of respect. The Klan killed and terrorized our people. Ironically she was Black girls’ fave one of the group because she’s witty and a size 8. Ugh. Black men the only ones defending her. …”

So here is the big question that I can almost hear Khloe asking herself . . . "Why is it racist if I only date black guys?!"

I think this is one of the occasions where it may not be a case of racism, as much as it is a case of just sheer stupidity.  I guess the only rational explanation is that Kim paid Khloe to help her look smart after putting her entire ass online.


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