Chicago Strip Club is Giving Lap Dances Away for Donated Toys
A Chicago strip club is giving lap dances away for donated toys. The holiday season has everyone in the giving mood, even exotic dancers. This is the third year Admiral Theatre has run their 'Lap Dances For The Needy' toy drive. Move over Santa, Strawberry will be deliver a new Xbox.
According to the Huffington Post, Admiral Theatre is ready to receive toys for lap dances on December 22nd. Boasting as the only gentleman's club in Chicago, Admiral is making you think twice about donations during the holiday season. Only one dance is given out no matter how many donations are brought in.
I am probably the only straight man in America who does not like strip clubs. Never have I been a fan of them and think they're a waste of money. But when you bring in the element of toy drives for Christmas, things get interesting. As someone who will be celebrating the true meaning of Christmas, which Jesus Christ birthday, I am sadden that strip clubs will use this time for public relations promotions. SMH.
Admiral Theatre is not the only gentleman's club running a toy drive, The Platinum Cabaret in Arkansas will host 'Tatas For Toys.' What are your thoughts on strip club toy drives?