Everything You Need To Be Ready To View Eclipse 2017
The 2017 Eclipse is a once in a lifetime experience for most people in America, so here are some important details that will help you enjoy the eclipse.
It's been 36 years since an eclipse was visible from the continental U.S., and 99 years since it crossed all of the states the way this one will.
It's been 33 years since a major celestial event turned everyone into zombies . . . just in case you were wondering.
While it's unlikely that we will be turned into zombies, there are a few safety precautions that everyone should follow.
Never look directly into the sun, even during an eclipse, without some sort of protective eyewear.
Even though it's possible to look at the eclipse with the naked eye, it can still cause irreversible damage.
If you are looking for a safe, and fun way to watch the eclipse in Genesee County, the Longway Planetarium is having an awesome event. Check out all of the details about The Eclipse Experience at Longway here.
NASA released a short video explaining some of the basic safety precautions. If you have any more questions, you can visit the NASA site set up to guide everyone through the eclipse here.