Gary Owen Wants To Beat Up George Zimmerman [Video]
Gary Owen responds to a recent video of George Zimmerman autographing skittle bags. How is this dude still alive?
Funny man Gary Owen who is on the verge of releasing his new special, "I Agree With Myself" looks to be sending George Zimmerman a message about his recent video were he's autographing skittle bags along with confederate flags.
I can't think of a person alive right now that deserves an a$$ whooping more than George Zimmerman. The fact that he's still alive walking around the streets causing more trouble is mind blowing! So much so that even Jay-Z addressed it in the "Talk Up" track off the "Scorpion" album. I think in due time George will have to pay a pretty steep price for fueling this type of negative behavior. Nobody stays untouchable forever...