Within the past year, fifteen states have decriminalized marijuana. While many activists and pro-weed groups are taking credit for the ongoing push for marijuana reform, Killer Mike wants to make sure hip-hop gets its due as well.

"We know that with national decriminalization of marijuana now, a lot of people are going to get credit for it—a lot of activists, a lot of workers," he stated. "But I can show you a line that leads straight back to Cypress Hill, that leads straight back to Snoop Dogg, that leads straight back to people like [the late R&B/funk guitarist] Rick James."

Mike continued: "If it's not duly acknowledged publicly—if the media isn't pushing the line of that narrative, if the media isn't giving us that freedom, if the media treats rappers differently than they do country artists—then you're going to see a galvanization of what the prejudices that we already see."

Watch Killer Mike explain why rappers deserve credit for the decriminalization of marijuana below.

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