Jamal Agnew scored for the Lions in Denver on a 66 yard punt return making him the only player in the NFL this season to score on both a kick and punt return.

The Lions season has not been full of too many bright spots, so this accomplishment needs to be celebrated.Agnew took a kickoff 100 yards back for a touchdown in week three against the Eagles. That was back when everyone was still optimistic about the Lions season. Now the good vibes are geared toward the Lions losing so we can lock in the second pick in the NFL draft.

I still don't want all of the Lions fans to turn so bitter that we can't celebrate a great return by an amazingly talented man.

So Agnew is the only player in the NFL right now with a punt and kick return for a touchdown, BUT he was not selected to the Pro-Bowl.

That makes sense.

Agnew also locked his place in the Lions record books with that punt return.

He leads the league with 4 total return touchdowns.


This is the curse that all Lions fans must face. We always have one player who is the best in the league at what they do . . . but the team sucks.

Sorry, I just started to go back down the Lions negativity rabbit hole. Let's watch Agnew's 100 yard return from week three to bring the mood back up.

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