Michigan Walmart Turns Into The Wild West Over School Supplies [Video]
A woman pulled a loaded gun on another customer during a dispute over school supplies at a Walmart in Novi.
Back to school can be stressful, but that doesnt excuse the behavior of two women who got into an argument at Walmart. FOX2 reports that the women were fighting over the last notebook on the shelf when things got out of hand.
Luckily nobody was injured in the argument, and cooler heads did eventually prevail. Everyone is quick to point out that the woman is licensed CPL holder, but that doesn't really excuse her quick temper.
Legally carrying a gun, and having enough common sense to know when not to bring it out are two completely different things. Police are still trying to determine if any charges will be filed, but all of the women involved could be charged.
The worst part is that nobody could actually figure out who ended up with the last notebook. You can see the actual FB video footage of the brawl below.