No Charge Flu Shot For Everyone in Flint Today
If you have not gotten your flu shot yet, you can get it for no charge today in Flint.
The Latinx Technology & Community Center is hosting the free drive thru flu shot event today (October 22nd) from 3p to 5p. There is always a push for as many people as possible to get the flu shot every year, but this year it is especially important. While we are in the pandemic, health care officials are trying to make sure that as many people are protected as humanly possible.

The flyer above details the limited requirements that you must meet to get your free flu shot. Basically if you show up to get the shot, make sure you have a face mask, and be prepared for a quick health screening before you get the vaccine. The vaccinations will be administered to all ages today at 2101 Lewis St in Flint.
I hate to admit this, but I have never gotten the flu shot before. I am NOT one of the people that believes you can actually get the flu from the shot, so let's not start down that path. I don't have a good reason why I've never gotten it, I guess it's out of sheer laziness.
This year will be different for me though, especially with the increased health risks around the pandemic. The last thing I want to do this flu season is catch the flu and have to explain to everyone that it's just the flu and not Covid.
So really when we break it down, the main reason I'm getting the shot is because I am too lazy to argue with people about the flu or covid.
Let's just leave it at this. Get the flu vaccination. Your personal reason doesn't matter as long as it increases your chances of staying healthy.
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