It has recently been discovered there is a new epidemic going around -- it's call 'swag syndrome' -- you may have seen some people with this horrible disease hanging at the mall, your local corner store and even in your own family. Find out more about this growing epidemic after the jump.

Doctors at the Swag Institute in Berkley, California have yet to find the cause of 'swag syndrome,' but warn you of the possible signs that you or a loved one my have the syndrome, look for the following signs:

  • An uncontrollable urge to add swag, swoop or whoop whoop into everything you/they are saying.
  • Physical symptoms include cooking or the medical term 'cheffing' where the patient does random jesters with their hands.

Doctors say that their is no know cure for swag syndrome, as it's molecular structure keeps changing making vaccines uneffective.

Take a look at the video about swag syndrome -- and keep an eye on your loved ones.

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