Christmas Tree

Could Common Christmas Decoration Make Michigan Residents Ill?
Could Common Christmas Decoration Make Michigan Residents Ill?
Could Common Christmas Decoration Make Michigan Residents Ill?
Itchy? Stuffy? Sneezy? It's the most wonderful time of the year! Perhaps you are one of the unfortunate ones, like myself, who learned the hard way winter allergies do in fact exist. Wonderful. In addition to my humidifier I'm also digging my Christmas decorations out of storage, but wait, what if I told you all that holiday cheer you're bringing down from the attic could be the culprit? R... Read
5 Fun and Unusual Ways to Decorate Your Christmas Tree
5 Fun and Unusual Ways to Decorate Your Christmas Tree
5 Fun and Unusual Ways to Decorate Your Christmas Tree
Globes and angels and stars are fine, but for the folks who like to be a little more imaginative with their Christmas-tree decorations—whether from boredom or budget—we’ve come up with a list of five unusual ways to help get the creative wheels in your noggin spinning: