It’s the Most Haunted Place in Michigan, and You’ve Probably Been There
Michigan is filled with places that would measure up to the creepy and spooky. From abandoned factories and eerie empty psychiatric hospitals, the mitten state is sure to have something to scare you.
Being it's the time of year when things go bump in the night, I set off to find the most haunted place in Michigan. I went right to an expert on the subject of haunts and scares, Michigan's own documentary filmmaker/ and paranormal investigator Joseph Lawson.
As someone who travels the country digging into the most haunted places around, Lawson was the perfect person to tell me where the the biggest scare lies. His answer? Mackinac Island. Lawson, who lives half the year on the island with his wife, nationally renowned celebrity astrologer Maria Shaw, says the island is more haunted than anyone realizes.
Although Mackinac Island was home to commercial fishing, which replaced fur as the island's biggest industry in the 1800's, the island has a violent history. Basically the island is a huge Native American burial ground, where a military fort was built and many live were lost. More than most actually know according to Lawson.
"So many bodies are covered up. We’ve literally pulled up two femurs out of our own yard. They’ll never admit it our house sat on the original graveyard. We have spirits that just pass through the house. You never know what’s banging and clanging. It may be a native spirit one day, the original owner of the house, or sometimes it’s a solider".
Lawson told us he's not surprised by the amount of the unexplained on the island. With the forts and the loss of so many lives, both natives and soldiers alike, not to mention all the deaths of residents that don’t make the press. "The entire island is made of limestone which is a HUGE conduit for paranormal activity", Lawson said.
I had to ask the man who probably doesn't scare easily, what was the scariest thing he has encountered on Mackinac Island.
"The scariest thing was the ghost carriage that pulled up in front of the house at 3:07am. No driver, and honestly I don’t even remember seeing a horse, but I definitely heard the clip clop of the horse. It pulled up. Paused then turned around and went away. I asked some of the tour company why they were out at 3:07 am in front of my house. She went stark white and said…. 'You saw the ghost carriage', and wouldn’t say another word".
If you are interested in more tales to give you the creeps, you can tune into the Maria & Joe Show on Facebook each night at 8:00pm. The couple have investigated some the most haunted place in the country including spending the night at the Lizzy Borden House.