Hip-hop has taken over the animation world in recent years, particularly on expertly-curated film soundtracks. For the upcoming holiday season, Tyler, The Creator has decided to take part, and will remake the theme song for the iconic children's film How The Grinch Stole Christmas.

This makes the "Puff" rapper's first foray into an animated film, and he seems ready to take on the challenge. Tyler himself shared a clip of the new movie's trailer on Instagram, showcasing his remix of the familiar song, "You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch," which was first composed in the 1960s.

"Who is this mean fellow, with his skin all green and his teeth all yellow?" Tyler raps in his version.

As the trailer ends, "Featuring new songs from Tyler, The Creator" flashes across the screen, meaning there could be more to expect aside from the classic theme song people across the world have grown to love. One of them includes "I Am the Grinch," an original track.

In another trailer for the film, Pharrell's "Happy" track notably plays out. The Oscar-nominated song is the standout track on the Despicable Me 2 soundtrack, which was also created by production companies' Illumination and Universal Pictures. Pharrell has been cast as one of the narrators for The Grinch as well, and his hand in the score on all three Despicable Me films undoubtedly played a factor in regard to his new role.

The Grinch hits theaters Nov. 9. Check out the full trailer underneath Tyler's posts below.

See Photos of Tyler, The Creator's Different Looks Over the Years

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