
The Apple App Store Hits 10 Billion Downloads
The Apple App Store Hits 10 Billion Downloads
The Apple App Store Hits 10 Billion Downloads
The Apple app store hit the 10 billion downloads mark....probably when I bought Angry Birds last week, but that isn't confirmed yet! If you own an iPhone then you know exactly what I'm talking about!!
Fine Verizon, You Can Come Too . . .
Fine Verizon, You Can Come Too . . .
Fine Verizon, You Can Come Too . . .
After years of envious bitching patiently waiting, Verizon costumers can join the exclusive iPhone club.  A wise man once said, "You should never judge a man by the phone he carries".  However that man had a Blackberry so nobody really cares what he has to say anyway.  So go on Verizon-ers, go buy your precious iPhone . . . go on, all the details are below.