
First Day Emotions
First Day Emotions
First Day Emotions
The first day of school is here, and that can mean either dread or delight depending on who you ask.
Flint teens break into school
Flint teens break into school
Flint teens break into school
Times have truly changed when we find four Flint teens arrested for breaking into a local alternative school.  I always wanted to break out of a school not break in.
Will Cursive Writing Soon Be Extinct?
Will Cursive Writing Soon Be Extinct?
Will Cursive Writing Soon Be Extinct?
Every night I sit down at my kitchen table with my five year old son and watch him do his Kindergarten homework.  He is already reading and writing words that were considered second grade material when I was in school.  The one thing that hasn't been even mentioned though is Cursive writing.
Kid Suspended From School for Gun Gesture [Video]
Kid Suspended From School for Gun Gesture [Video]
Kid Suspended From School for Gun Gesture [Video]
A 6 year old first grade boy was suspended from school after making a gun gesture with his hand and saying 'Pow'. Huh!? The school is saying that this has been considered a threat, but take in mind, this is a child! How many times have you as a child played with toy guns and pretended to shoot your friends?
Despite The Costs, Parents Are Happy To Send Their Kids To School
Despite The Costs, Parents Are Happy To Send Their Kids To School
Despite The Costs, Parents Are Happy To Send Their Kids To School
Sending kids to school can be a taxing time, both financially and emotionally, but most parents are looking forward to it. Researchers found that 74% of parents are desperate to get their kids back to school and by the end of the summer they are running out of money to do things so their kids don't get bored.

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