Today is '313 Day' and Detroit Vs Everybody is celebrating with a new Adidas partnership.

The Detroit Vs Everybody brand has exploded over the last few years becoming a staple of any Detroiters wardrobe. Actually anyone who lives within the acceptable "I'm from Detroit" radius rocks the gear.

*Note* The range of being "from Detroit" is extremely debatable.

The partnership has opened up a hugely popular brand and slogan to the entire world. The campaign started this week with a city wide scavenger hunt that was announced by Detroit Vs Everybody.

The shoes are officially available today to buy. If you want to pick up a pair for yourself, you can find them at select retailers like Burn Rubber (Royal Oak), The DvE Store (Eastern Market), Puffer Reds (Wayne & Ypsilanti), and select Mr. Alan’s locations.

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