Alex Jones Visit’s T.I’s Podcast “ExpediTIously” [Video]
T.I'.s new podcast "ExpediTIously" is slowing becoming one of my favorite podcasts out. So when I saw that the infamous Alex Jones had made a guest visit, I knew this episode was gonna be epic.
For those that don't know (you should) Alex Jones is the king of conspiracy theories. After being shut out from the media and being banned on pretty much every major platfrom, it's a rare treat to see Alex pop up on a show. Regardless of how you feel about Alex and his wild theories, sometimes he's right! And let's not forget that at one point he was directly linked to influencing President Donald Trump and even having him on the show!
That type of influence doesn't come from anywhere. Alex can talk a good game and he's a great storyteller. Even though his rants can seem like he's amped up on drugs, I promise he's a delight to watch and now he's on T.I's podcast! Never in a million years would I think that these two would ever sit down and have a conversation. This is a brilliant move on T.I's part for having Alex on this early into his podcast career. Just get ready for all the randomness that you're about to get smacked with...