Debt Collectors Can Now DM You On Social Media
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau just gave debt collectors the green light to now text, email, and DM people on social media to receive payment for unpaid debts.
If you thought dodging debt collectors was annoying before, now they'll be waiting for you on your favorite social media app like a jealous ex. Now they do have a set of rules that they have to abide by, even though it doesn't feel like they have any at all.

Under the new rules, debt collectors who contact you on social media have to identify themselves as debt collectors but can attempt to join your network by sending you a friend request. Collectors must give you the option to opt out of being contacted online, and any messages they send have to be private — collectors can't post on your page if it can be seen by your contacts or the public.
I don't see how this will be beneficial for consumers at all. I'm not saying that people that owe money shouldn't pay it back, but when it comes to collecting money from people online, you're setting yourself up for potential fraud. Scam artists use any avenue especially new ones to get money outta unsuspecting people, and they do it often.
Be careful if you receive a message from a potential debt collector online. Use certain apps like Credit Karma and just call the company that has your debt listed. Don't trust random new emails from debt collectors or you could end up getting your finances snatched.
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