Frankenmuth Holding Fireworks July 3rd
Frankenmuth has announced that Fireworks In Funtown will be happening on Friday July 3rd.
The announcement came while pretty much every area fireworks show around us has already cancelled. I normally head to Frankenmuth every year for the fireworks because they put on a great show, and there is always a lot to do, but this year will look very different.
According to the Fireworks in Funtown website, the fireworks display will be a reduced version of the normal show.
This year's show will be a smaller, shorter display, but exciting nonetheless! Please consider spreading throughout town to the view the show. The fireworks can be viewed nearly anywhere in Frankenmuth; find a nice spot, set up a lawn chair, and enjoy!
Right now the fireworks display is scheduled to start at dusk on Friday night. There will be other events going on throughout the town, but on a much smaller scale. Organizers are encouraging social distancing, along with masks anytime you are in a public space. There are going to be street entertainers spread throughout the entire town for people to enjoy.
I can say that my biggest concern (other than Coronavirus safety) is how many people are going to flock to Frankenmuth on Friday. The display already draws massive crowds every year, and that's with other towns doing fireworks at the same time. Imagine how many people are going to go this year, when it is pretty much the only fireworks display going on in the area.
I hope that people follow the guidelines, and spread out throughout the town as much as possible so they can be safe. I also hope they are prepared to sit in traffic for about 3 years waiting to get out of town after the fireworks are done.