Eminem fans are losing their minds after Em's manager posted a pic on instagram recently with the caption 'It's been a long time... #7elevenseries', but does the post mean a new album is coming soon?

Paul Rosenberg might have possibly hinted at a new album from Eminem dropping soon, or this could all be a crazy conspiracy theory. Here's what we know so far...

According to comments on instagram (I know, very reliable sources) Eminem visits a 7-11 across the street from his studio. When Em visits the 7-11 his manager posts a pic on Instagram titled #7elevenseries. Here's where the conspiracy theory twists come in....

In Rosenberg's latest #7elevenseries post there is something written on Eminem's hand though, and some are saying it says 'April 9'. You can barely see it but thanks to technology someone posted this pic on Instagram zooming in on the handwriting.

Could this mean a new album from the GOAT is dropping on April 9th?! Is this a follow up to MMLP2 that dropped in 2013? Will he be going on tour any time soon after the album drops?! Who might be on the album? Does this whole conspiracy mean nothing and Eminem isn't dropping an album any time soon? We need to know! So many unanswered  questions!


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