Little Miss Flint Shuts Tomi Lahren Down After Border Wall Comment
Little Miss Flint, Mari Copeny wasted no time in shutting down an ignorant statement from failed TV host Tomi Lahren.
Lahren is a well known right wing talk host who has a history of making statements for the sake of getting reactions. I don't know if getting owned by an 11-year-old was quite the reaction Lahren was looking for when she tweeted about the money for a new border wall.
The best $5 Billion ever spent?! Most of us all thought the same thing.
Luckily instead of starting a meme war over who could slam Tomi the best, an 11-year-old from Flint showed us all how it's done with one single tweet.
This is where the story should end.
Tomi should delete her twitter account, go back to South Dakota, and try to figure out what to do with the rest of her life. Obviously though in the world we live in, nobody can ever just be wrong. So the Lahren faithful tried to rush to her defense.
The worst thing in the world you can do as an adult is to tell a kid they're wrong because they are "Just a kid."
This method hardly ever works on kids, and NEVER works on intelligent, motivated, informed, activist kids like Mari. In the end, the adult saying it looks like an idiot who didn't have an actual answer so they just resorted to, "Because I'm an adult!"
Don't worry about Mari though, she can definitely handle herself against trolls.
Little Miss Flint is more than just a face or mouthpiece for Flint, she is an intelligent young woman who is turning tragedy to triumph.
She could have easily slowed down after the national coverage of Flint did, but she is still going hard for our city. She used that fact as the nail in the coffin on this discussion with one final tweet.
Thank you Mari for everything you are doing for Flint. Even though you are "just a kid" you are an inspiration for kids and adults alike in our city.