Michael Moore Says Don’t Send Water To Flint, Join A Revolt Instead
Michael Moore has asked people to stop sending bottled water to Flint, and instead join him in a revolt over the Flint Water Crisis.
What Michael doesn't realize is that the people who actually LIVE in Flint, need the bottled water. OK, I'm sure he knows that the water is needed, but it's much easier to preach about a revolt when you're not living in the problem area.
Moore starts off his open letter by telling everyone they no matter how hard they may try, they can't help the Flint Water Crisis.
The reason you can’t help is that you cannot reverse the irreversible brain damage that has been inflicted upon every single child in Flint. The damage is permanent.
He then goes on to lay out his five point action plan for Flint. Those steps are,
- Demand the removal and arrest of Rick Snyder, the Governor of Michigan.
- Make the State of Michigan pay for the disaster that the State of Michigan created
- The Federal Government must then be placed in charge
- Evacuate any and all Flint residents who want to leave now
- For those who choose to stay in Flint, FEMA must create a temporary water system in each home
The plan points out that the bottled water donations are really just a band-aid, and that they don't solve the bigger issues.
While I can't disagree with Moore, or his plan, I think telling people to stop sending water is a mistake. Even though the bottled water doesn't fix the big problem, it does give people clean drinking water when they need it most. Imagine how hard it would be for Flint residents without any source of clean drinking water!
It shouldn't be to hard to imagine, because that's exactly what happened. So before you revolt with Mike, just remember to take care of the people you are revolting for.
If you would like to join Michael Moore's revolt, you can sign his petition here.