Michigan Health Insurance Open Enrollment Starts Now
The enrollment period to buy health insurance on the open market in Michigan started Thursday, and runs until December 15th.
Health insurance is one of those topics that make most people cringe just thinking about it. I'd love to say that it's not as scary as it seems, but if you are one of the 300,000 plus people in Michigan that buy on the open market, you'd know I was lying.
The good news is that there are a bunch of options this year on the market. Eleven different insurers are offering 123 different plans for consumers.
Before you go out an buy the insurance though, make sure you see if you qualify for the Healthy Michigan Plan here. You can find a ton of useful information about buying insurance on the Michigan market here.
The open enrollment period ends on December 15th, so don't wait until the last minute. The prices can definitely seem intimidating, but with a little research you can probably find financial assistance to help you out.
When you think you're ready to buy, you can shop the marketplace here.
If you're not quite sure, check out the video below for some helpful tips on comparing plans to find the one that fits best for you.