NYPD Calls For The Arrest Of 50 Cent [Video]
Curtis "50 Cent" Jackson just ticked off the wrong people as NYPD are now calling for his arrest.
Troll king 50 cent has come under fire recently by NYPD for 50's online rants about Deputy Inspector Emanuel Gonzales who 50 claims has threatened him. Now 50 cent has referred to Gonzales as "#Emanuel Gun all the time Gonzalez" after info came out about Gonzales were he said to "shoot him on sight" during a roll call.
Now this may just a way for NYPD to counter 50 cent's claims of a serious threat. Gonzales claims that the statement was in joking manner. But 50 wasn't having it. So we'll see how this unravel's, but it looks like this might turn into a messy legal case.