Recycling Comes To A Halt In Most Genesee County Areas
The recycling company known as Emterra has halted picking up recycled goods from Genesee county due to Covid-19 related staffing shortages.
One other county will still be on the list for pick up, Grand Blanc. But they've been reduced down to just one truck, and sources say, that could take multiple days just for one run.

Scott Bennett, supervisor for Grand Blanc Township, tells Mid-Michigan NOW Emterra says they are experiencing a staffing shortage due to cases of Covid-19 that are not spreading within the workplace.
Bennett says recycling is still being picked up in Grand Blanc Township but says Emterra only has one truck available to do recycling pick-ups so it is taking multiple days. Bennett says normally four trucks would pick up recycling in Grand Blanc Township. Source:NBC25.com
I'm from Genesee county and I will admit that recycling isn't something that we put at the top of the list of priorities. With that being said we really should make more of an effort to be taken seriously with recycling and keeping our streets clean. A company is gonna focus on areas recycling the most stuff and allocate resources to that area to fill needs.
So if only a few people are recycling in Genesee county when times get tough those routes will get put to the side. And that's exactly what happened.