Scooters Bar & Grill to Host Voices for Children Golf Outing at Swartz Creek Golf Course
Get your team together for a golf outing to benefit Voices for Children in Flint.
Voices for Children is an incredible organization that helps children in Genesee and Shiawassee Counties that have been victims of abuse. One in four kids in our area are victims of child abuse, child sexual abuse, human trafficking, and neglect. Voices for Children is often the victim's first stop when they escape those situations and Voices provides forensic interviews, exams, legal help, child and family therapy, and more.

To help Voices for Children continue to do the amazing work that they do, Scooters Bar & Grill will be hosting the inaugural Voices for Children Golf Outing on Sunday, September 18th at Swartz Creek Golf Course. Get all the details below.
Scooters Bar & Grill's Voices for Children Golf Outing
- When: Sunday, September 18th, 2022
- Registration at 8 am
- Shotgun start at 9 am
- Where: Swartz Creek Golf Course at 1902 Hammerberg Road in Flint.
- Cost: $95 per golfer or $380 per team.
- What is included?
- The price includes 18 holes with a cart, lunch at the turn, and dinner at Scooters following the outing. The after-party at Scooters will include live music, 50/50 raffles, and more.
How do I register my team for the golf outing?
Teams can begin signing up to play in the outing starting on Friday, August 5th at Scooters Bar & Grill at the corner of Hill and Torrey Roads in Flint. Be sure to act fast as this outing will sell out quickly.
If your business would like to support Voices for Children, hole sponsorships are available for $125 each.
For more information on Voices for Children, click here.
Be sure to follow Scooters Bar & Grill on Facebook for more updates.