SVSU Students March For Trayvon Martin
I am proud to be an Saginaw Valley State University Cardinal. I just came across to news that made me proud of the school I gained my higher education from. SVSU students marched in protest to the horrible incident surrounding the murder of Trayvon Martin.
I have been in support of George Zimmerman being held accountable for his action in the murder of the 17-year old Trayvon Martin. I do believe that George Zimmerman should be formerly charged with the murder of Trayvon Martin and stand trial until proven innocent. I can not believe that in 2012 the justice system has not produced justice for obvious crimes such as the slaying of Trayvon Martin.
Even though I am upset about the lack of justice for Trayvon Martin, I am just as pleased with the response people have taken to bring awareness obvious lack of justice. I know for a fact that during my time at SVSU, it would have been frown upon to march for something like this from the administration (just my personal opinion, not to be true). So once again, I am extremely pleased to see SVSU students come together and make their voice heard.
Amidst winds that were howling outside, the crowd collectively chanted back and forth.
"What do we want?," chanted Jasmine Charlton, a 21-year-old SVSU junior.
"We want justice, we want peace," answered dozens of students, teachers and supporters.
Supporters of all ethnic backgrounds gathered at Saginaw Valley State in support of Trayvon Martin, the 17-year-old who was shot in a late-night confrontation with 28-year-old George Zimmerman, who was watching a gated community as a watch volunteer in Sanford, Fla.
The crowd gathered in a classroom inside Curtiss Hall on SVSU's campus before making their way outside, marching from Curtiss Hall to the 7-Eleven gas station and convenience store on the corner of Bay Road and Pierce Road.
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