Cell Phones

Watch Out – Phones Target Consumers With Ads By Always Listening
Watch Out – Phones Target Consumers With Ads By Always Listening
Watch Out – Phones Target Consumers With Ads By Always Listening
New studies have come out showing that certain voice command services in your phone are actively listening all day and collecting keywords to figure out what ads to send your way. Have you ever had a conversation with someone on the phone about a particular product, then all of a sudden you see that product all over your phone...
$$ Coming To Michigan Cell Users
$$ Coming To Michigan Cell Users
$$ Coming To Michigan Cell Users
If you have been using Sprint or Verizon for your cell phone service over the last few years, you should have some money coming your way.
Police Monitoring Our Phones?
Police Monitoring Our Phones?
Police Monitoring Our Phones?
A proposed bill would allow Michigan police to track cell phone location information without a warrant in case of an emergency.

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