If you have been using Sprint or Verizon for your cell phone service over the last few years, you should have some money coming your way.

That's because Michigan is set to receive $307,998 as a part of the Verizon settlement and $230,936 from Sprint totaling $538,934 for Michigan customers.  The overall payout is nearly $160 Million distributed to affected states.

The lawsuit found that  Sprint and Verizon placed charges for third-party services (PSMS charges) on consumers' cell phone bills that were not authorized.  This is a practice known as "mobile cramming."

In total, Michigan has received $1,277,748 as a part of four national cramming settlements with major carriers.

Have you claimed your share of the cellphone payout yet?  If you aren't sure about your refund status, head to www.SprintRefundPSMS.com and/or http://cfpbsettlementverizon.com/.

AT&T customers shouldn't feel left out of the game though, because there is a pending class action lawsuit against them as well.  You can check your status with them, here.


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