KFC Turns Chicken Bucket Lid Into Playable Vinyl RecordKFC Turns Chicken Bucket Lid Into Playable Vinyl RecordIs it a chicken bucket lid? Is it a vinyl record? How about both? Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Coming Soon – KFC Pairing Donuts With Fried Chicken [VIDEO]Coming Soon – KFC Pairing Donuts With Fried Chicken [VIDEO]Finger Lickin' Good.Maggie MeadowsMaggie Meadows
Hepatitis A Confirmed at Grand Blanc and Birch Run KFC RestaurantHepatitis A Confirmed at Grand Blanc and Birch Run KFC RestaurantGenesee and Saginaw County Health Departments have confirmed Hepatitis A exposure in both Grand Blanc and Birch Run.ClayClay
One Chicken Sandwich To Rule Them AllOne Chicken Sandwich To Rule Them AllPopeyes and Chick-Fil-A have been in a real cock fight lately over who has the best chicken sandwich, but the real king of chicken sandwiches is here.ClayClay
KFC And Pizza Hut Team Up To Create The “Gravy Supreme”KFC And Pizza Hut Team Up To Create The “Gravy Supreme”Check it out before you're totally against it. I'm hoping it becomes a thing. Rob SparksRob Sparks
Here Are The Most Ridiculous Delicious Fast Food Creations EverHere Are The Most Ridiculous Delicious Fast Food Creations EverYou don't have to look in some world famous chef's kitchen to find the best food creations around, most of the time you can find them in a drive-thru.ClayClay
Donald Trump Insults Millions By Eating KFC with Knife And Fork [Photo]Donald Trump Insults Millions By Eating KFC with Knife And Fork [Photo]This is the final straw. I am appalled that anyone would vote for this man after seeing this photo.ArtimisArtimis
Fried Chicken Crust Pizza Is A Real Thing [Video]Fried Chicken Crust Pizza Is A Real Thing [Video]KFC is adding fried chicken to the crust of a pizza, and they're calling it “Chizza.”ClayClay
Racist KFC Commercial?Racist KFC Commercial?KFC has released a new commercial that some people are saying is racist.Ricky BurnsRicky Burns
Flav Is Baaaack!!!Flav Is Baaaack!!!Flavoooorrr Flaaaaavvvv! My man's Flav is back and in competition with an American Icon... Find out who!kdubbkdubb