Two Flint Parks Are Getting New Playgrounds
Flint residents are thrilled with the news that two local parks are getting some much needed upgrades in the playground department.
New playground equipment is going in to Hasselbring, and Broome Parks in Flint next month. Right now, both parks are definitely lacking in safe, usable playground equipment.
The plan is that the new structures will resemble the current playground at Berston Field House.
The best part of the new playgrounds is that they are going to be built by the community that will be using them. This helps children and parents develop a sense of ownership of the park in their neighborhood.
Building days are already scheduled in August for both parks. The Hasselbring Park building days are August 14th, and 15th. The Broome Park building days are August 16th and 17th.
The United Way, along with many other Flint organizations are teaming up to fund the build, but everyone is encourage to come help.