Flint Schools are hosting The Back To School Community Extravaganza today at multiple locations throughout Flint.

Students and their families will be able to take advantage of free backpacks, haircuts, and information about the upcoming school year. The event is hosted at four different locations in Flint today from 3pm to 6pm. The locations are listed below.

  • Eastside Mission, 1917 Delaware Ave
  • UAW Region 1D, 1940 W. Atherton Road
  • River Park Apartments, 7002 Pemberton Drive
  • River Village Apartments, 702 Father Dukette Blvd.

It may seem early to be thinking about back to school for some, but Flint students are adjusting to their new balanced calendar starting this year. The first day of school is actually only a week away! The first day will be Wednesday August 7th, and the year ends on June 7th.

Parents can get more information about the new calendar at any of the events, along with information on why Flint Schools made the change.


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