Flint Township Police are searching for a man who posed as a maintenance worker and robbed a woman in her home on Sunday night.

The victim says the man posed as a maintenance worker and said he needed to get into the house to fix something. When she opened the door he attacked her.

The attack happened at a mobile home park in Flint Township. The victim states a man attacked her by grabbing her by the throat and pushing her into her house. He then knocked her to the ground and hit her in the eye.

The robber kept asking about children during the attack and also threatened to slit the victims throat. The robber stole the woman's purse which had her rent money inside. When police arrived on the scene the man could not be found.

Police are warning residents in Flint Township to be on the lookout for a white man who is six foot four with brown hair and a goatee.

Source: MLive.com





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