I’m Celebrating Halloween This Year By Revisiting My Old Costumes
Halloween has always been one of my favorite holidays, but it's not about the spooky season or the candy, it's about the costumes.
I've always been a fan of dressing up for Halloween, especially when it can be a completely homemade costume. I've been lucky enough to work in a profession where it's actually encouraged to dress up. Whether we were hosting a party or just having fun at the station, I've always tried to take advantage of the opportunity.
It also helps that my wife is just as into dressing up for Halloween as I am. For years we threw a private party for our friends, and the only requirement was that you had to come in costume. There's nothing worse at a Halloween party than the person who shows up to the party in plain clothes because they were unsure about what to wear.
This year Halloween is obviously different, just like everything else in the world right now. With no chance to have a big gathering, and even questions about the safest way to trick or treat, there is not a good chance to get dressed up.
Get 2020 Trick or Treat Times Here
So instead of moping around, complain that covid ruined Halloween, I want to celebrate by looking back at some of my costumes over the years. I should put a few disclaimers in here before you look.
- All of these costumes are homemade, and usually the day before I needed them.
- I'm also a big fan of finding some obscure character to pay tribute to with my costume.
- There is a pic of me in a speedo in the collection below. This pic should probably be avoided if you are pregnant, about to become pregnant, have a history of heart issues, are squeamish, and basically every other detail usually listed in a prescription medication commercial.