Beef In Battle Creek – Arby’s Employees Use Sign To Resign
People quit their jobs all of the time. Maybe you have quit several jobs in your lifetime, it is not uncommon. However, most people don't go to this extreme when they quit.

I don't know what was going on at this particular Arby's fast food restaurant in Battle Creek, Michigan - but clearly, there was some beef (wah wah). According to WPDE, a group of employees used the fast food sign to not only quit but to also say 'F*ck You' to someone named Tria. My guess is that Tria is a manager, but I do not know that for sure.
What I do know, is the fast food giant should strike on this while the iron (grill) is hot. Arby's in Battle Creek should have some kind of 'fire' sandwich on the menu right now, something to capitalize on the 'beef' these employees clearly had. Do you want 'Tria Tots' or 'Fire Sauce' with that?
As you can imagine, pictures and videos of the sign have gone viral (see below). The sign apparently was later replaced with messages like 'Now Hiring' and 'Open Interviews'. I would have posted something like 'Immediate Openings' or 'Start Today'. Or maybe 'Tria Is Not That Bad' - that would have been nice.
When the employees who did use the sign to resign, interview for their next jobs, I hope they are asked if they left their previous job on good terms. Now, that is funny.
@missy_coolaunt #arbys #battlecreek #quit #triaishiring #weallwenthome #onlyinmichigan ♬ original sound - Missy