Congrats Flint Township on Your Birth of Another Auto Storage Lot
Everywhere you go... seemingly every random corner there's a new vehicle storage lot due to chip shortages plaguing the auto industry. (It's been going on since the pandemic and oddly seems like it will never end?) It's happening all over Flint and anywhere else in the US where vehicles are made.
Old Capitol Coney Island Property Becoming Auto Storage Lot
As we reported back in January, longtime Flint favorite Capitol Coney Island announced it was closing after decades in business. Now, according to MLive there will be another vehicle storage lot built by a company (Precision) that has worked with General Motors with other auto lots in the area.

Where are new, unfinished trucks being stored around Flint?
Driving almost anywhere in Genesee County, you'll see a crop of new trucks waiting for chip installation and harvesting to be done by dealerships. Here are the locations you'll currently find shiny new trucks waiting for their forever homes:
- Bristol & Fenton Roads (former Baker College Campus)
- Hemphill Road and Grand Traverse Street (you can see some through the blackout fencing)
- The old Buick City site (you can see some from I-475)
- Bishop Airport's Economy Lot is housing new trucks.
- You'll even see them driving north on I-75 near Mt Morris Road in a random field.
Bristol Rd (finally) Getting Repaved
What will happen to the former Capitol Coney Island property in the future?
All of this leads me to one question... what happens to the latest vehicle storage property after the semiconductor/chip shortage resolves itself? Will it become a giant vacant paved lot waiting to sprout weeds? Or can Flint Township attract a new business to the area that can also take advantage of I-75/I-69, Bishop Airport and the railway in the area?
Don't get me wrong, I'm happy GM is stockpiling trucks -- it means they keep selling them. My hope is Flint Township, and the new owners of the old Capitol Coney Island property are planning for future success, too.