Ford Looking to Get Factories Restarted Sooner Than Later
The Ford Motor Company is looking at getting five North American assembly plants back up and running in April.
According to WOOD, the big 3 automakers in Detroit, MIchigan, shut down their assembly lines after the United Auto Workers union shared concerns about employees possibly spreading the coronavirus.
UAW spokesman Brian Rothernberg said the union is looking at Ford Motors statement "with great concern and caution."
Ford also has dates and which plants they want to open:
- Truck Plant in Dearborn, Michigan, April 14
- Factory in Hermosillo, Mexico, April 6
- Truck Plant in Louisville, Kentucky, April 14
- Assembly Plant near Cleveland, Ohio, April 14
- Transit van line at the Kansas City, Missouri, April 14
The company is also wanting to reopen the factories that make all the parts for the assembly plants on April 14.
Ford will announce soon all the safety measures to will be putting in place to keep the workers safe.
A Ford worker at the truck plant in Dearborn, Michigan, Cole Stevenson said, "if they've researched up enough on how long the virus lives on surfaces and things like that, and they're doing their part to keep that at a minimum, I guess I'm not too inclined to worry."
Ford's plan is to begin reopening after Governor Whitmers stay and home order expires on April 13.
We have yet to see any indication that the stay at home order will or will not be extended as of now.
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