Michigan Is Facing A Teacher Shortage
Michigan has been dealing with a teacher shortage for over a decade now and the pandemic just made things worst.
Finding qualified staff to come and sit down and deal with your annoying kids is getting harder and harder by the day. A lot of it has to do with pay cuts and the lack of input on current policies. Teachers wanna be more involved in the big decisions in their field, and I for one think teachers should get paid a heck of a lot more money.

We're experiencing a shortage for qualified staff for all sectors of any school district organization," said GISD Associate Superintendent Eddie Kindle. "[That includes] bus drivers, custodial staff, food service workers, paraprofessionals, counselors, school psychologists, and even administrators."
Educators say state budget cuts, along with federal laws that were initially meant to improve education, have actually had a negative impact on teacher morale over the years.
If you want someone to dedicate their life to something you have to make it more attractive. Especially in education. That's a field we shouldn't be cutting any budget on. What's more important than educating our youth, and paying our teachers great salaries to do it? The next generation will always be the leaders that take of us when the previous generation gets old. And if we want our economy and businesses to run properly we need our youth to be exposed to the latest in educational development.
Also, our teachers need all the love we can muster. I'll be honest, I can't imagine being a teacher and having to deal with a kid like me when I was younger. I was a nightmare! And to hear that teachers have been taking salary cuts over the last decade breaks my heart. I don't know what we can do to create more incentives for teachers, but I do feel like it starts at the voting booth. And the next time something comes up that leans towards helping teachers, I'm all in!
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